Golden life
School life is Golden life
It is said that “school life is golden life,” because school life is the most important part of human life. It is the period of pure joy and happiness, because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown-up life.School life is the happiest period in the life of a student. It is a life, free from all anxieties of the tough world. The mind of the student is full of noble ideas and his eyes are full of dreams. Student life is the most crucial period in the life of a person.
The age of a school life is ideal time to grasp new and interesting things. So, it is time not to decide what they should become in future. You can not decide what is best for you until you tried everything. School life should explore everything, not just schooling and being inspired by a hero or real time hero.
School life is the time where we make true friends is a myth or a fact that is being claimed without much research. There is no specific time to make friends. There is a joy in all these and those adults who missed all these are feeling for not doing those and they cannot do them in their adult life with an identity they have.
I miss my old friends a lot, do you? If yes then share with your friends.
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